Emilia´s Art

Clay Head

Head project:
The goal of this project was for us to be able to create a head out of clay including all its features in the right places. First we made the basic shape for the head and the neck so that it was proportional. Then we included all the facial features such as nose, eyes, ears, hair, etc. We had to be careful so that everything was in the right place. At last we painted the head with two layers of paint. 

While working on this project I had some difficulties.  The ears took me lots of work because they didn't stick to the head. The nose was also a big problem, every time I did it, it seemed to big or to small in comparison with the rest of the head. This project turned out better than I thought and the head I made was pretty good.   


Map project: 
The objective of making this map was that we included ten things that represented us. Each of the ten things had to be represented by a symbol and in the key you had to explain what each symbol meant. In addition we had to  In my map I drew fifteen candles which represent how old I am, I also drew books to show that I like to read. My map also includes symbols that represent special memories and dates. 

During the making of this project I had only one significant problem. This problem was that while painting, the watercolors mixed and spread so it was hard to put details. The whole project went out well and I think although the result was not perfect, it was not as bad as I thought it would be. 

Abstract Drawing

Abstract project:

The goal for this project was for us to make a drawing without really thinking of how it will end up. First we drew some lines and made some shapes. Then we filled  some space with more lines. At last we painted in the spaces with different colors and designs. 

While working on this project I had no problems. I enjoyed that we didn't have to think about how the final product might turn out. We were free to play a little bit with the lines and the shapes they formed. The project turned out better than I expected and I had a lot of fun while doing it. 

Emilia G 9D